projects initiated, curated or co-curated by André Tribbensee


Temporary Academy has been initiated by André Tribbensee in Kristiansand Norway, with its core-time in 2014. It has been a complex project and social organism, curated and designed to initiate processes in artistic environemts and in public. TA included workshops and lectures by international experts in arts, activism, ecology and economy, free sones for improvisation, community based projects, gardening and food activism, tea-ceremonies and symposia for local artists and theorists. Guest artists and lecturers have been experts like prof. Jorunn Veiteberg, Morten Traavik, Tina Mareen Buddeberg, Barbro Raen Thomassen, prof. Ove Jakobsen, Johan Otto Weisser, Karl Olav Segrov Mortensen, Cecilie Nissen, Sigurd Tenningen, along with many other contributing artists, gardeners and activists.
However TA has been mend to be a temporary art school, its satellite projects have been blossoming up again from time to time. It got international reputation
and has since being discussed at universities in different countries.
- Temporary Academys info blog
- watch André Tribbensees full lecture about Temporary Academy
Rethinking Art Education has been an international encounter, located on the island of Bragdøya, Norway curated by André Tribbensee in collaboration with Lisbet Skreglid and Tormod Anundsen. With key lectures by Irit Rogoff and Temporary Academy.
Parallel University / Det Parallelle Universitetet (PU)
is an independent initiative started by André Tribbensee in February 2017.
PU has been part of "Sørlandsutstillingen" at Kristiansand Arthall, contributing with a series of introducing lectures, seminars and discussions which where mend to inspire for a wider understanding of education, encouraging engagement and new experiments appart from institutional agendas or political power-structures.
Parallel University´s content and structure is mend to be shaped by its participants.
Starting lectures: André Tribbensee with a seminar about Joseph Beyus, Tormod Anundsen and Philip Ring about Paulo Freire, André Tribbensee, Anna Svingen Austestad and Helene Illeris about the educational turn in art.
curated by André Tribbensee (2018)
Platform Nord Case Symposium will be a zone for free thinking.
Together we will create an exiting space for mutual inspiration, discussion, personal expression and the exchange of ideas. There will be time to talk in a relaxed setting.
For this we will provide food and wine and we will take you to an extraordinary environment apart from university.
The symposium will consist of our guests own contributions.
Within this space we will not divide participants into experts and audience but rather look at each other as a sharing community where everybody is welcome to join the discussions, students, activists and professors alike.
We want to welcome all of you to suggest an own short presentation, speech or a performance, based on your experience, practice, questions or critiques towards the topic of MOBILITY.
However you are free to choose the content and medium of your presentation, it should not extend a time-frame of 3-7 minutes, as we wish to include as many of you as possible.
We wish your contribution to origin in your very personal interests, questions and reflections (rather than representing and positioning your organisation or status)
Tell us about what we probably wont expect, or what yourself would like to learn more about.
Your contribution could for instance content:
- an astonishing example from your own practice
- a critical reflection or burning question to share
- a provocation
- a mobility project that turned out to be a disaster
- a brilliant example for the blessings of mobility
Symposium / please sign in: We encourage you to join us with a short contribution (3-7 min.) Please submit your presentation title and a short description to André Tribbensee.
Curator statement:
Mobility may be seen and experienced as the ultimate blessing of our time, an unquestioned strategy for success and a mantra for unlimited opportunities, expanding potentials, jet invisible markets and economic growth. Even Platform Nords existence might be a manifestation of this believe.
Digitalisation, globalisation, increasing accessibility and continuous social networking does have their effects not just on our work but on our very personal life and mental state. Where might be the threshold when the increase of information and movement instead of benefitting us turns into restlessness, postpone knowledge and alienation with a loss of quality and presence in life, and what again would that mean for our work with art and education?
What drives us to join a concept of acceleration* individually, as a collective, and how would a balance be possible?
How is our experience of traveling and communicating nowadays, what quality does it have?
Who is actually welcome into mobility, and what rules might we claim when understanding migration as an essential and urgent form of global communication and mobility?
My questions are mend to invite into broad and critical reflections, with discussions around mobility, its potentials and our responsibility when promoting it.